Korean Summer Cuisine: 9 Must-Try Dishes (June-August)

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Korea’s summer is scorching hot enough to fry an egg on the pavement. Just a heads-up, Korea experiences all four seasons, with summer temperatures soaring up to 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) and plummeting to -20 degrees Celsius (-4 degrees Fahrenheit) in winter. It’s a country of extreme cold and extreme heat. Consequently, the foods consumed vary significantly with each season.

An installation sculpture that expresses the summer of Korea
An installation sculpture that expresses the summer of Korea.

During the summer, Koreans particularly enjoy nourishing dishes and refreshing soups. Nourishing dishes are specifically crafted with ingredients that thrive during the summer, aimed at keeping one healthy and energized in the heat. While it may seem counterintuitive to eat hot food in the summer, many foreigners fail to understand this. In Korea, there’s a saying, “Iyeol-chiyeol” which means “fight fire with fire.” It’s an ancient wisdom passed down from ancestors who believed that consuming food hotter than their body temperature, sweating profusely, actually cools them down. So, if you find yourself in Korea during the summer, I highly recommend indulging in some nourishing dishes, even if it’s just for the experience.

Now, let’s explore 9 quintessential summer cuisine in Korea from June to August, which perfectly encapsulate the culinary landscape of the season. These culinary delights offer a sensory experience that captures the spirit of summer, inviting both locals and travelers alike to immerse themselves in the seasonal gastronomic pleasures.

⭐ Must-Try Korean Summer Cuisine: 10 Delightful Dishes

1. Samgyetang (삼계탕 – Ginseng Chicken Soup): A nourishing broth

Samgyetang, a nourishing broth filled with tender chicken, sticky rice, garlic, jujubes, and ginseng, is renowned for its health benefits and rejuvenating properties. The subtle herbal flavors mingle harmoniously with the savory chicken, offering a comforting yet invigorating meal.

In Korea, samgyetang is a quintessential summer nourishing dish, so much so that there are days in summer when it’s customary to have it three times. While the traditional version is delightful, I would highly recommend trying “Nokdu Samgyetang(Mung Beans and Ginseng Chicken Soup)” and “Jeonbok Samgyetang(Abalone and Ginseng Chicken Soup)”.

Nokdu Samgyetang boasts a rich and thick broth thanks to the addition of ground mung beans, resulting in a more concentrated flavor profile. On the other hand, Jeonbok Samgyetang incorporates hearty abalone, infusing the soup with a robust seafood essence. Abalone in Korea is particularly prized during the summer months, enhancing the dish’s overall richness. Though slightly pricier than the regular samgyetang, if you have the opportunity, indulging in these variations is well worth it.

2. Naengmyeon (냉면 – Cold Buckwheat Noodles)

Naengmyeon, a quintessential summer dish, features thin, chewy buckwheat noodles served in an icy, tangy broth. Topped with slices of crisp cucumber, pear, and a boiled egg, it offers a refreshing contrast of flavors and textures, perfect for beating the summer heat.

While naengmyeon is enjoyed throughout the year, it’s particularly popular in the summer months. It’s one of those rare dishes in Korea that almost everyone enjoys, regardless of personal preferences.

Naengmyeon is typically categorized into two types: mul-naengmyeon, which features noodles served in a non-spicy chilled broth, and bibim-naengmyeon, which is mixed with a spicy sauce unique to each restaurant. Among the varieties, Pyongyang-style naengmyeon has gained popularity in recent years. For a detailed description of Pyongyang-style naengmyeon, refer to the upcoming post below!

Best Pyeongyang Cold Noodle in Seoul: Discover ‘Eulmildae,’ Your Ultimate K-Food Experience!

Pyeongyang Cold Noodle is a traditional North Korean dish that’s got the perfect balance of thin, chewy noodles and a refreshing broth.

3. Kongguksu (콩국수 – Chilled Soybean Noodle Soup)

Kongguksu, a chilled soybean noodle soup, features smooth, creamy soybean broth paired with cold noodles. Ideal for hot summer days, this dish offers a creamy delight that’s both light and satisfying. Garnished with shredded cucumbers and a sprinkle of sesame seeds, it provides a refreshing burst of flavors and textures.

While kongguksu may not be available year-round at every establishment, many places start serving it once summer arrives, as it becomes a sought-after dish among Koreans. In Seoul, there are even two renowned eateries famous for their kongguksu, and they continue to offer it throughout the year. So, even if it’s not summer, if you ever visit Korea, be sure to try it out. I’ll provide more details about these kongguksu hotspots in a future post.

✅ Tips> Best kongguksu spots:
  1. Jinju House: Located at 33, Gukje Finance-ro 6-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul (Google Map)
  2. Jinju Hoegwan: Found at 26, Sejong-daero 11-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul (Google Map)

4. Jangeo-gui (장어구이 – Grilled Eel)

In Korea, summer eels are of exceptional quality, unmatched by any other fish. While eel may not be the most budget-friendly option, it’s a nourishing dish Koreans indulge in for summer vitality.

Jangeo-gui features tender, flavorful eel grilled to perfection, showcasing the unique taste of freshwater eel. Glazed with a savory-sweet sauce and served with a side of pickled vegetables, it’s a savory indulgence that captures the essence of summer grilling. Opting for eels that are as thick as a man’s forearm ensures a rich, tender texture and superior flavor. After relishing grilled eel, completing the meal with a comforting bowl of eel soup perfectly rounds off the experience.

5. Dongchimi (동치미 – Chilled Radish Water Kimchi)

When thinking of Korean kimchi, one might envision varieties made with red cabbage or radish, but Dongchimi is another traditional kimchi that stands out. It features crisp, tangy radish kimchi served in a refreshing, slightly sour broth, offering a clean and invigorating flavor profile.

Dongchimi is a classic summer side dish in Korea, known for its clean, refreshing flavors and crunchy texture. Unlike spicy kimchi, Dongchimi leans towards a sweeter and tangier taste, making it a perfect accompaniment to any summer meal. On a hot day, a refreshing bowl of Dongchimi broth works wonders in beating the heat. Some samgyeopsal restaurants even offer Dongchimi noodles as a side dish, and its pairing with grilled pork belly is exceptional. Be sure to give it a try!

6. Chogyeguksu (초계국수 – Chilled Chicken Noodle Soup)

Korean Summer Cuisine Chogyeguksu

Chogyeguksu, a chilled chicken noodle soup, offers a delightful combination of flavors and textures, with delicate noodles swimming in a light, savory broth. Topped with thinly sliced chicken breast, cucumber, and Korean pear, it’s a cooling yet satisfying dish perfect for summer.

This dish typically features a lighter chicken broth compared to samgyetang, making it a popular choice in restaurants that operate only during the summer months. It’s particularly sought after by Koreans on scorching hot days when they crave something lighter to eat.

7. Oi Naengguk (오이냉국 – Chilled Cucumber Soup)

Korean Summer Cuisine Oi Naengguk

A refreshing, chilled soup made with thinly sliced cucumbers and a tangy broth, oi naengguk is a simple yet revitalizing summer dish. Its clean, crisp flavors and crunchy texture make it a refreshing palate cleanser or light appetizer.

8. Patbingsu (팥빙수 – Shaved Ice with Sweet Red Beans)

Korean Summer Cuisine Patbingsu

Patbingsu, a popular Korean dessert, features finely shaved ice topped with sweetened red beans, condensed milk, fruit, and a scoop of ice cream. Its refreshing sweetness and varied textures make it a beloved summer treat that satisfies both the palate and the soul.

This dessert has a long history, and as a result, the traditional and modern versions of patbingsu differ slightly. While the old-style patbingsu was simple, consisting mainly of red beans, shaved ice, and powdered beans, nowadays, various toppings such as glutinous rice cake, syrup, and fruit are added to create diverse flavors of patbingsu. If you’re curious to learn more about patbingsu, check out the post below!

Seoul’s Top 3 Patbingsu Spots: A Local Guide to Indulgence

Join me as we explore the delightful realm of “patbingsu,” a traditional Korean dessert that’s the perfect antidote to scorching summer days. In this blog post, I’ll uncover the three ultimate patbingsu hotspots in Seoul that deserve your utmost attention.

9. Subak Hwachae (수박화채 – Watermelon Punch)

Korean Summer Cuisine Subak Hwachae

Subak Hwachae, a refreshing summer beverage, combines fresh watermelon chunks with sweet syrup, tangy lemon juice, and a splash of soda water. Served over ice, it’s a cooling and hydrating drink that epitomizes the essence of summer.

With its universally loved taste, Subak Hwachae serves as an ideal summer dessert for people of all ages. Pairing it with a hearty meal and enjoying it as a post-dinner treat makes for an unbeatable summer dessert experience.

Seoul Top 3 Ice-Cold Draft Beer Spots: A Local Guide to Indulgence

When Koreans think of a refreshing beverage for the summer, one thing comes to mind – ice-cold draft beer. It’s so cold that it might give you brain freeze, but it’s undoubtedly the coolest choice among all the beers I’ve tried.